Palazzo di Brera 28 luglio – 13 settembre


Along with Expo 2015, the Accademia aperta project discloses Brera Academy's daily life to visitors, giving them the unique chance of visiting classrooms, workshops and other places usually inaccessible to the general public, such as the Saloni Napoleonici and the Chiesa di Santa Maria in Brera. Escorted by Art Students and Professors, the visitors will attend special projects presentations, concerning the different branches of Visual Arts: Painting, Sculpture, New Technologies, Set Design, Engraving, Fashion, Design, Communications & Didactics and Restoration. In the Sala Napoleonica, the project also features the exhibition: Ai confini del quadro. Brera anni Sessanta-Settanta, displaying the works of Artists such as Fontana, Manzoni, Agnetti, Alviani, Castellani, Ferrari, Colombo, Bonalumi and others, who, in the Sixties and Seventies, were mainly concerning themselves with "the painting's boundaries" poetics. Exhibition opening: July, Tuesday 28th - h. 12.00 Free admission